Strenthen Your Defenses with Threat Intelligence

strenthen your defence

Threat Intelligence

Access the most comprehensive and independent threat intelligence Cloud Platform. Identify and Mitigate threats across cyber, supply-chain, physical and fraud domains; get real-time, trusted, unbiased and actionable intelligence.​


Being in the know solves pervasive challenges

Organisations are challenged with securing their digital assets and data from external threats such as brand and executive impersonation, account takeovers, and data leakage which may lead to loss of brand value and trust with customers. Embrace a Digital Risk Protection strategy – The Threat Intelligence Cloud Platform enables your security teams to detect, investigate, and quickly respond to external threats to your brand. 

Ransomware attacks increased by 70% year over year in 2023. Unable to effectively track threat actors, reduce attack surface exposures, and remediate compromised credentials, leaves organizations in a reactive state. Actionable information on your ransomware threat landscape can help proactively detect and mitigate attacks

Monitoring for security risks is challenging due to the immense volume of data enterprises produce daily, making it complicated for security teams to identify abnormal behavior. Automating security workflows enables security teams to respond to threats faster and more efficiently

Adversaries target third parties, suppliers, and vendors to launch software supply chain attacks, steal data, deploy ransomware, and more. Identify suppliers who have been breached or are susceptible to a breach to mitigate supply chain risk before damage can be done.

As organisations embrace the benefits of digital transformation, cloud migration, and a distributed workforce, they need to ensure they’re not creating blind spots along their external attack surface. Discover external assets, identify exposures, and accelerate remediation efforts within existing workflows and tools.

Organisations are challenged with securing their digital assets and data from external threats such as brand and executive impersonation, account takeovers, and data leakage which may lead to loss of brand value and trust with customers. Enable your security teams to detect, investigate, and quickly respond to external threats to your brand.


Ransomware attacks increased by more than 70% in 2023

Brookcourt’s Threat Intelligence Cloud Platform provides the critical edge needed to proactively identify, assess, and mitigate risks across cyber, supply chain, physical, and fraud domains. Our platform delivers real-time, actionable intelligence, empowering security teams to make informed decisions and protect their organisation from devastating attacks.

0 %

Identify new threats up to
48% faster


The number of hours saved
per week on threat mitigation

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Increase your team’s

See the threat. Make fast, effective, data-driven decisions.

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